The elders home is located in a very peaceful and tranquil environment surrounded by lush paddy fields and panoramic views of the surroundings.

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The building itself can accommodate up to 24 elders and consists of separate bedrooms/bathrooms for elders and resident staff, centralized area for dining, meeting hall, fully equipped kitchen, and Buddhist shrine room.

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Visitors can spend the whole day in the premises and accompany the elders in their daily activities. This includes meditating, gardening, … etc. Visitors can also bring prepared food for the elders or can use the kitchen to cook raw ingredients (??).  Visitors can organize the birthday parties of their children or loved ones or any other suitable celebrations and donate the meals to the elders also.

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Visitors can visit a nearby Buddhist Hermitage. This Hermitage has 8 resident Buddhist priests meditation at any time of the day.

Visitors can visit this Buddhist Hermitage any time and pay their respects. If anybody wants to make “alms givings” for the Buddhist monks, we can arrange the entire event for less than 8 monks and for the elders of the place also. Cost will depend on the number of recipients, pirikara, type of food and donations the visitors want to do.

We encourage visitors to